The brief report according to quality of the forecasts of surface earthquakes for May 2001 - May, 2003.

We discovered that the earthquakes occur 2-3 days after the perturbations on the Sun. In this period of time on a background of large-scale atmospheric processes, there can be local, prompt rellocations of mass of an atmosphere concerning the epicentral of the earthquake. In a seismic center the atmospheric pressure causes the loadings more than 100 thousand tons on each square kilometer of a surface from the different sides of the tectonic faults. The sharp change of loadings on the ground surface in region of tectonic faults  probably causes the surface earthquakes. On the basis of this hypotheses we have developed the short-term forecast (1-2 days) of surface earthquakes. Let's consider the results of prediction of earthquakes for April 2000 - May 2001.
    During that time there were predicted 1597 earthquakes  feeble and moderate earthquakes.

          The estimation of the forecasts in time.

Our method was worked out for the forecasts of strong earthquakes.  However we consciously predicted feeble and moderate earthquakes with magnitude less than 5 M as for some occupied items after the previous strong earthquakes many buildings have stability about 50 %. Were not justified the forecasts of earthquakes with magnitude less than 5< M - in 479 cases. The represented below statistical estimations of the quality of the forecasts are obtained on the basis of 1118 cases.

        The space estimation of the forecasts.
On fig.1  the estimation of spatial connection on latitude for forecasted and registered earthquakes is represented. We can see, that the correlation factor between forecasted and registered earthquakes is high enough.The more detailed estimation of quality of the forecast on latitude is represented on fig. 2. fig.2  It shows the allocation of number of cases of concurrences (with an interval in 1 degree) of the forecasted and actual values of latitude of earthquakes. From a figure it is visible, that in 449 cases the value of forecasted and registered latitudes has coincided up to quantity less than 1 degree, and the main distinctions, between the forecast and observations, do not exceed 5 degree interval. The spatial estimation on a longitude is represented on fig.3fig.4  Accordingly correlation factor of the forecasts with observations of earthquakes, on a longitude, makes r = 0.99. Histogram of allocation of number of cases of concurrences between the forecast and observations on a longitude (Fig. 4) shows, that in 348 cases the concurrence between them has made less than 1 degree. The main part of concurrences of the forecasts with observations does not exceed 10 degrees.

The inference

The brief analysis of quality of our forecasts of earthquakes with the justifience about 70 % (is exact 69.8%) convincingly has shown, that for today there is no alternate method which allows to make, short-term forecasts of earthquakes, especially, above such vast territory (of almost all Northern hemisphere). Examinations spent during drawing up the forecasts, have shown, that reasons giving to to deterioration of quality of the forecasts earthquakes are: 1- poor qualities of the forecasted meteorological information, and 2- the absence of operating seismological monitoring. A competence of seismo-synoptic method is confirmed by the given results, which are obtained without seismological monitoring.A competence of seismo-synoptic method is confirmed by the given results, which are obtained without seismological monitoring. In our opinion, only joint cooperation of the meteorologists and geophysicists can increase the justifience of the short-term forecasts of earthquakes up to 90 % and more. This direction in prediction of earthquakes is nowhere developed, though, in our opinion, it allows to solve such important problem already in the beginning of the 21 century for Northern, Southern Hemispheres and equatorial band. The fulfilled analysis of quality of the forecasts convinces us of continuation of examinations and developments in a sectional direction. However, the absence of the financing significally effects the intensity of operations on a sectional theme and on quality of the forecasts.

